Richard Rohr: "if males do not have initiation, they will allways abuse power. " "It always starts with taking boys into Nature" "The Initiation of boys was deemed absolutely necessary for cultural a, and also personal Spirituality. "
Around 15 --- there is a major brain surge , tries to connect all of the 4 brains, with the " heart brain"
at that point, if a young man is not presented with a big Vision, there is a massive dying off of brain cells.
without that, you just try to be a part of something LOUD (rock concert, army, gangs.. ) .
without vision, leads to intense cynism which then leads to violence, lashing back at a meaningless society.
its only when he is in the middle of nature, that he can't control, is in awe of, that transformation can occur.
solitude and silence - Indian vision quest.
initiation re-aligns the young man as a son of the universe.
eg Jesus 40 days in the desert.
"I am beloved, I am a son" he came out with. knowledge from the belly, not mind.
we spend 90% of our time in "profane space" solving this or that problem, surfing facebook etc . Need to have "Liminal space"
You need to pull the man out of "business as usual'. lead him into a safe place, take away roles or self-importance, one thing matters, the present. eg All wear same clothes
Boy was left alone and aimless so he would start longing for guidance. Create "beginners mind" ..
Pain forces you into interior world - so leave him alone so he cant keep running from his pain, loneliness , superficiality.
tests and ordeals, to lead outside comfort zone. Must not keep pandering to the ego: drugs , sex, rock n roll, self-importance etc ..
Life is hard. Hence ritual wiping in pueblo initiation.
If he doesn't know that, he will seek perk, priviledge, position. (petit chef).
If this one problem in Brasil it is the immense immaturity of the Brasiian male. Drugs,sex, rock n roll.
Churches on every corner , for 300+ years. But... beautifully dressed statues, churches filled with sweet lovong old ladies.